Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Day 5: KS - NE - CO - Homestead - WY

 This was one of my favorite traveling days.

We said goodbye to Kansas, crossed over a time zone into the tip of Nebraska and on over into Colorado, all within 30 minutes. But today we were on the clock. We were set to meet my parents in Northern Colorado for lunch and then follow them up toward the Wyoming border where my mom's grandparents had their homestead after moving to the states.

We went from kissing in Kansas... kissing in Colorado

And even with all that we still made it in time for a late lunch with my parents. They left a day before us and took a bit of a different approach to their trip but it was fun to keep up with each other along the way.

My dad made sure we pulled over so we could see the lingering snow on the side of the road.

Then he took us less than a mile past our turn for the homestead so we could touch Wyoming!

Now, I had been to this homestead as a child. I don't remember anything about the house but I remember going out with my Papa and looking for arrowheads. I believe we even found one!

A young couple lives in this home now, but this house and barn were actually built by my great grandfather. It was sweet to hear my mom tell the stories to the couple that lives there to give them some history of where they now call home.

We had one more stop to make before we arrived at my Aunt and Uncle's home in Colorado Springs to stay for the night. Their son Danny, and his family, live in Denver, which just happened to be on our way. I had met his wife before but not any of his kids. It was SO good to spend a few minutes with them.

1 comment:

Kristi Lay said...

WOW! Quite a whirlwind through CO... you drove right past us! Next time we'd love to have you swing by our farm for a horse ride, cow kisses and hugs from me. 💖
How special to revisit your family homestead and share this with your kids. I bet the young couple living there loved the history and personal stories from your mom.
I'm loving reading through this trip of a lifetime blog!