Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Day 6: Garden Of The Gods - Deer Valley Ranch


We woke up to a shy Pikes Peak. The cloud coverage started much earlier than I got up for, but my dad said it was beautiful just as he remembered it being when they lived here. We let the kids catch up a little sleep, which gave me some time to catch up with my Aunt and Uncle. They were such generous hosts. We were able to do laundry, shower leisurely and they fed us SO WELL!

Today was the day we'd been waiting for though.
We, along with my parents who were now with us, would be arriving at Deer Valley Ranch to meet my siblings and their families, and spend a week doing all the things (and more) we remember doing as children. But first, a not-so-quick hike around Garden of the Gods. It is really hard to capture the grandeur of this place in photos, but here are a few of my favorites.

It was almost time to check into the ranch cabins so we packed up in the car to head out toward Beuna Vista. We pulled over for a beautiful scenic overlook to capture the mountains as they came closer and closer into view. (And grabbed another round of pushups and squats, although they were really beginning to get difficult in the altitude, lol)

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