Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Day 4: Little Jerusalem Badlands

 Several of the kids mentioned this state park being one of their favorite stops of the whole trip.

Granted, we have LOTS of favorites, but this truly was one of them.

The Little Jerusalem Badlands

There were so many main character moments. My gosh. 
While the kids climbed up and down and all around Josh took off around the trail to see how far it went. I'm pretty sure he clocked almost 3 miles of a trail run when it was all said and done, ha!

The kids loved seeing their first tumbleweeds!

A couple before turns before getting to the badlands we saw a massive tractor trailer who had gone off the road. Probably a conglomeration of the sharp turn and the strong wind. As we headed back to the interstate from the badlands the road had been closed down and cranes were trying to hoist the trailer back up, and out of the road. When we had passed it earlier we couldn't figure out WHAT it was carrying. A boat? A large piece of machinery or equipment? After passing it by when it was all said and done we believe it was one of the propellers from those huge wind turbines. We were stuck on the side of the road for about an hour. Long enough to make friends with the family behind us and for the kids to play a quick game with the soccer ball and grab a snack. We had promised Zeke a steak dinner for his birthday...but that was going to have to wait, as the restaurant was closed but the time we were able to get back on the road and get there.

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