Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Day 1: NC - VA - WV - KY


Ok, here is how this is going to work. I'm gonna attempt to break our trip into 15 posts. One post for each day. Some days, though, might be combined together, and others may needs their very own post. So all that to say, I reserve the right to change my posting process at any point! 

Some photos will need no commentary. Other photos will simply need a caption while other's may need full commentary. I'll try to link as many websites (sorry, sometimes even wikipedia because it compiles details in one easy place)  as I can so you can read up on as many of our stops to get the full context, so don't be afraid to check out the links.

I do hope you'll enjoy the recap of our trip as much as we enjoyed taking it!

PS - There are some captures, like videos and Timelapses that will you'll only be able to find over on our instagram stories. Like some of the State line signs. We transitioned several states over water where we couldn't get out of the car or get a good shot of a sign. 

Rainy captured her days really well and can find her HERE.
Zeke made our trip look super cinematic so you'll want to go watch his gorgeous videos.
I saved my Colorado stories up in my highlights on Instagram.

We started our trip at the bright and early hour of 7:35. It took some of the kids a while to get used to the frequent stops and many times getting out for a picture or just to look around but we all quickly fell into the routine of it all as the first day went on.

Josh is a huge history buff and has a radar for those highway signs that say "Point Of Interest ahead" so some stops were simply an overlook or historical landmark like this one. Pilot Mountain, as referenced in the Andy Griffith Show.

We made a stop at Bluefield College where Josh's parents met and fell in love.
And there just so happens to be a watchtower dedicated in Rick's (Josh's Dad) honor!

The highest arch bridge in the US (from what I remember reading)

Our first Airbnb was in Kentucky and it was ADORABLE!
It was a tiny house. The upstairs had enough sleeping spaces for all the kids and Josh and I had a cozy room next to the living room downstairs. Most of the places we stayed we left wishing we had more time to just hang out in the houses a little bit longer.

Rainy has such a great job! She has been able to work customer service remotely during her camp weeks and then on this roadtrip so you'd find her catching up on work early in the mornings before heading out and right before we'd head to bed.

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