Thursday, July 25, 2024

Day 7: My Family - The Milky Way

Just in case you are in the area and need a great photographer:

These are just a few of my favorite, because they unfortunately can't ALL be my favorite.

My BIL had planned to drive out to the Dunes to stargaze and see the Milky Way but the plans changed/er we talked him into us just going up to where we had taken pictures earlier to see it so we didn't have to drive so far. It was AMAZING to look up at the stars. My iPhone even captured the Milky Way a little bit. It's the cloud/fog looking area over the stars. This wasn't originally on the daily itinerary but we allowed it, haha. It also made for a sweet memory, especially since I was the envy of the family since I brought a blanket and pillow for the show!

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