Thursday, October 24, 2019

Third Annual Granite Acres VBS

This year was the best yet!
Our MC got to spearhead the story and craft time which was so fun.

My highlight was the moment I sharing about growing in our faith by reading the Bible.
One of the girls raised her hand and asked,
"What is a Bible?"

Well, from that moment on we had a mission to get her and
a handful of her friends their own personal Bible.

After snack time I asked if they wanted to come over and learn about
WHAT the Bible is, how it is set up and how to read it.

It was the COOLEST thing!
They were SO excited!
I was so excited!

I told them to go home and read through a passage other own and then 
bring their Bible's the next night to talk about those verses they read 
and we'd find some more verses together.

And wouldn't you know, as soon as I pulled up the following evening they came running
to the car with Bibles in hand anxious to dive in!

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