Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cai Turns The Big 1-0

I'd say I'm super behind on capturing Cai's 10th birthday, but with my track record I'm actually right on time, lol!  Especially since he hasn't even had his birthday outing with a friend yet.  We have a 6 month birthday buffer in this house, haha!

what can I say, you are hardly ever still enough for me to capture any good photos.  You are the class clown, but thankfully your teacher said you are respectful enough to know when to stop...most of the time!  "You got Cai-ed" was a phrase birthed from you frequent practical jokes on all of us. I love how you laugh.  And your questions, OH the questions! Keep asking questions sweet boy, just maybe ask some other people sometimes cuz this mama has reached her question-answering max this year, ha!  I love how you love littles and how you try to make them laugh.  I love your artistic bent and your creativity.  I LOVE your love for soccer, and MAN are you good at it!  You are determined and work hard on that craft.  I can't wait to see you play in the coming years.

Micaiah Joel, I love you to the moon and back.
Happy Belated Birthday buddy!
Love, Mom

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