Friday, December 20, 2013

Words Worth Remembering

Cai:"Will you inside for this out, mom?"
translation: will you turn my shirt right side out?


Alethia:"I feel Jesus in our house."


Rainy:"Look mom, she's wearing a turtle shell too!"
aka-turtle NECK


Me:"Zeke, I know you are excited to go to your sleepover, but go play until it's time to go."
Zeke:"Ooh, good idea!  Let me go get something really quick first."
Cai:"Come oooooonnnnn Zeke, hurry up, I'm gonna miss you."


Cai:"Why did God make us to bite each other?"
Me:"Well, we have to be able to bite so we can eat, but he also gave us a choice as to how we use the teeth and mouth he gave us."
Cai:"I think God has a button to make us do something like that."


Cai:"My nose can't breathe:("


while getting ready for breakfast
Cai:"Mom, can you help me get my jacket on?"
Mom:"Why? Where are you going?"
Cai:"I want to go outside and give my money to a poor guy."


Zeke:"Ooh, look mom, a seed!  Now we can plant it to grow some more fish!"
Me:"Ummm, that's garlic buddy...and you can't GROW fish with a seed."
Rainy laughing hysterically!


Cai:"What if we had LOTS of these kind a hands?"
Me:"What would you do with more hands?"
Cai:"We can pick up LOTS of toys!"


Cai talking about Ms. Beverly:"Why does she always call me angel?"


while working out with Insanity videos:
Cai:"Dad! Wemembow, don't look at the go-walls (ie-girls) because they are dwessed bad!"


Cai:"What's his name?"
Me:"Mr. Dave."
Cai:"What's his pretend name?"
Cai:"His PRETEND name!"
~still don't understand what he was asking here:)~


Cai:"Zeke, I flatted my gum 'cause I didn't want mommy to squwubble it."
Zeke:"Squwubble?! What?!"
Cai (clearly offended):"You don't even KNOW, Zeke!"


Zeke (dressed up as Superman):"You know you aren't a real superhero. You're just a toy."
Cai (dressed up as Buzz Lightyear):"I am NOT a toy! Zeeeeeekeeee, I am NOT just a toy!!!"

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