Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's Not Always A "Yes"

When you hear, "God answered our prayers" what do you immediately think of?

I just assume that the Lord said "yes" to the specific thing you were praying for.  That's just not always the case though.

I've been thinking a lot this week about the petitions we offer up to our Father.  I think because today marks 6-weeks.  Six weeks since my surgery.  Six weeks since we lost another child.  I guess I am officially off of "bed-rest" now:)

We prayed for a year to get pregnant.  The Lord answered our prayer, just not in the way we would ever have anticipated!

See, the Lord ALWAYS hears his children's prayers.  He ALWAYS answers.  He ALWAYS has our best interest in mind.


It isn't always a "yes" to our desires.  Sometimes it is a "No" or even a "Be patient and wait".  That last one is the hardest one for me:)

So, just because the Lord answered your prayer with a different answer than you were praying for, rejoice that the Lord, your Heavenly Father, knows what is best for you, even though you THINK you know what is best, and that He heard your prayer.  Then, walk in obedience to the answer He gave you!

The next time you hear that the Lord answered someone's prayer, ask them what His answer was and help them walk in that direction, even if it wasn't their desired one.


Katy said...

I'm in that "be patient and wait" phase and it's really tough. (as I'm sure, you know!) Thanks for the encouragement today. Love you, girl!

Unknown said...

Patience is not what I am known for! It is hard to wait on your hearts desire, especially when you are praying it for your life... Love the blog and "reminder" that it's not always a YES!

Sara G said...

He does listen and answer in His time. He definitely wants us to wait and while waiting can be hard the outcome is always best! Thank you for the reminder as I reflect the last year today and look forward to new.

Jessica said...

I couldn't agree more. I prayed for something very specific and it happened and then ended in a manner that was the true work of Satan. But, I realize now that the Lord used Satan to further establish his purpose (thanks to some insight from Job!). Now, I am in a much better place. I owe that all to the Lord. Thank goodness for answered prayers, even when it's an answer we don't want to hear.