Friday, July 26, 2024

Day 13: OK - AR

This day started out just fine.

And then we almost died.

Ok, so here is when the truth comes out about the flesh eating bugs I wrote about in the Colorado trip intro. They were actually a type of fly. And they bit. And it hurt really bad. (Or so I'm told) But there weren't just one or two of them. They were everywhere and left the majority of us randomly yelping out and hitting ourselves while jumping and skipping in zigzags the entire hike through Palo Duro Canyon. It really is a stunning place that I remember going as a kid, but as soon as we picked our little 2-mile trail to hike we very quickly realized that it was going to be miserable and that we needed bug spray ASAP. We all ran, flailing our arms, back to the van, generously doused ourselves with bug spray and chose just the 2nd half portion to hike because there was a cave. And cave's are cool. 

I actually laugh a little inside because I am the only one that didn't get any bites. NOT ONE. Here is the link to the lotion I lathered on after my shower that morning. I believe this is going to be our new bug deterrent. You're welcome. (And don't make fun of my boys when they walk past you in a hallway and you get a whiff of peony. This stuff literally saved my life.)

Here are a couple of my pictures from the less than enjoyable hike through the stunning rocks and caves of Palo Duro Canyon. Poor Jude has holes all in his crocs and those were his shoes of choice for the hike (life lessons) so he literally hiked the canyon, with actual rocks and cactus, barefoot! 

After that unforgettable hike we gladly sealed ourselves safely into our car and headed to our first stop on the day's schedule. On the way I noticed this water tower that looked like it was about to fall over and Josh said he actually saw that on one of his maps and it has a name. Leaning Tower of Britten. Huh...I would like to know who decides which things make it on a map?

And then we arrived at Shamrock, TX.

This little town, with it's Conoco station and U-Drop Inn diner, inspired the little town of Radiator Springs on the movie CARS. It was SO cute! And the older ladies working in the shop were so proud!

You may start to see a theme. Route 66 stuff is EVERYWHERE! It is now Interstate 40 that reaches all across the US, but there are still portions of the old Hwy that run parallel to the Interstate. But just a word of warning, if you veer off to drive on it, getting back to the interstate going the direction you need to go will cost you some valuable time (and possibly add a few gray hairs in the process).

This is me on the old Route 66

Once we eventually got back on track on I-40 we arrived in Oklahoma!

There are multiple Rt. 66 museums but we decided to opt for this one since it was on our way.

We ended our day in the state of Arkansas, eating dinner at Whataburger because the kids HAD to experience this too of course and sleeping at the coolest farm! That is coming next.

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