Friday, July 26, 2024

Day 11: Bishop's Castle - Penny Arcade

 After we checked out of our cabin we had two stops we wanted to take on the way back down to my Aunt and Uncle's where we would spend the night one more time.

Bishop's Castle was quite a site. An eccentric man dedicated much of his adult life building this castle by hand all by himself. I have no idea how it is able to be a public attraction where anyone can climb literally ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP! I made it to the first outer wrap-around wire walkway but I couldn't will myself to go any farther. It was terrifying! Zeke went much farther and captured some epic drone footage. Cai and Rainy made it to the top, the VERY TOP and lived to tell the story, which I am eternally grateful for. Parts of the castle were really beautiful though. A mix of medieval cathedral if you will. I do wonder what the builder's overall idea was in the making of this one-of-a-kind castle.

You can actually see Zeke in the middle of that upper bridge in this first pictures.

This is as far as I got!

There was a goat on-site that kept jumping up on picnic tables and eating people's food. It was hilarious!

After this we headed to the Penny Arcade in Manitou Springs.
Josh got some really cool pictures he shared on Instagram. I walked around in the very crowded, un-airconditioned arcade, made a note about how cool it was and swiftly made my way back out to sit on a bench and wait for the kids to have their fill of this vintage arcade. The boys really liked it!

We were pretty exhausted after the day and were once again glad to walk into my Aunt and Uncle's for some rest as we prepped for our trip home. I am SO sad I didn't get a single picture with them:(

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