Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Words Worth Remembering

Jude:"Zeke, can you read me my quiet time again?"

Jude:"But WHYYYY do I have to go to bed right now?"
Me:"Because you are SO tired."
Jude:"I'm NOT tired. I'm GRUMPY!"


Cai:"Mom, you're passing the wall."
translation - You're crossing the line


Jude:"Hmmmm, I like the chicken that is in that tuna!"


Me:"Come on, let's do school outside today!"
Rainy:"No, not math. It is too pretty outside, but math deserves a dark place."


Jude:"It's called a comperstation. That's what talking is."


Zeke:"Mom, can I show you these?"
Me:"Sure, what is it?"
Zeke:"It's what I drew last night and wanted to show you but daddy said that you were a little cranky."


Jude:"Who said that? Not me. It was the other dimension Jude...Good joke huh!"


Cai:"Mom, who's in the car?"
Me:"Zeke, Rainy and Laithy."
Cai:"What did you say? What about money did you say?"
Me:"I didn't say ANYthing about money.  I said Zeke and Rainy and Alethia are in the car."
Jude:"What about cheese?"


Jude:"You wanna see my ball?  It's a Duke ball."
Poppie:"Is it a basketball?"
Jude:"No.  It's just a duke ball.  But it's called a basketball sometimes too."


Jude:"I just gotta get a little taller so I can get into third grade."


Cai:"Ooooh, Jude, what happened to your foot?!"
Jude:"It's OK, it's just eczemO."


Jude:"You know what I like most about today? Hugging you."


Josh:"The smell of a musty old books brings me to a happy place."


Jude:"Mom, can we get some parrots?"
translation - pears


Zeke:"Jude, you have to go take your shirt off cuz you're the drummer."


Cai:"I like how this lip chap tastes."
translation - chapstick


Jude:"Oh man, I'm so steaming cold out here!"

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