Thursday, November 19, 2015

Words Worth Remembering

Cai:"Zeke, wouldn't that be so funny if somebody screamed so loud that their head popped off?!"


Me:"Jude, are you okay?"
Jude:"Yeah. I just had mac-n-cheese all the way down in my choking spot."


Jude:"Mom, are you putting your earwax in?"
translation:"Mom, are you putting your contacts in?"


Jude:"I can't find any hard workin' shirts!"

ie: work out shirts


Jude:"That's adarious"
translation - "That's hilarious!"


Jude:"I'm gonna call you a 'sweatie bubble"
Jude:"You know that chocolate stuff you like?"
Me:"Ohhhhh, a butterfinger?"
Jude:"Oh yeah. a butterfinger!"


Jude:"Look mom, it's yummy skittles!"
Me:"Mmmmm, are you gonna share with mommy?"


Jude:"Daddy let me have a huffy puppy."
huffy puppy = hush puppy


Zeke, looking at the ground beef thawing on the counter for dinner: "Mom, what IS that?!"
Me: "It's meat for tacos for dinner tonight."
Zeke: "Ooooh.  I thought it was some kind of penguin meat."
Me: "What?  We have never even mentioned ever eating penguin.  I'm not sure if people even eat penguin mean."
Zeke:"Yeah they do.  Like Coyote meat or something."



Jude:"I have sharp teeth to bite dinosaurs."


Jude:"Mom, I think squirrels like us.  They like our yard.  Squirrels like our yard, but not dinosaurs."


Cai:"Hey mom, you know those bathrooms at school?"
Cai:"I wish we had THOSE here because you can put all the toilet paper you want in there and it just flushes down.  They NEVER overfloat!"



Jude:"Sorry for throwing my food on the floor that one time."
Me:"It's okay buddy.  I forgive you."
Jude:"Thanks.  I forgive you too."

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