Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Story In Pictures - Colony Cinema

What began as a dreary, cold family day
with a house full of bickering children,
(we now endearingly refer to our family as the Colony)

a cardboard filing box
 paper, markers
 and snacks, of course
 quickly turned into our own home theatre!
 We locked the kids in sent the kids to room time so we could get set up
Then we put on our acting hats.
Ralph here was the ticket master:)

The moral of this story:
Just because you have a small colony living under your roof,
and the price of movie tickets clears out your savings account,
not to mention the time it takes to load the entire colony up in a car for the outing,
doesn't mean that you can't get creative and bring the movie theatre to your own living room!

We used materials already on hand in our house and didn't spend a penny for a fun-filled afternoon.

So, what began as a dreary, cold family day
with a house full of bickering children, 
ended up being a fun afternoon at Colony Cinema.
(full of bickering children, ha!)

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