Friday, June 17, 2011

Not Me Monday (On Friday?)

When my alarm goes off at 6:30am I always get 6:30am.

I would never just turn it off, only to roll over in bed and realize that it was now 9:58am!

Nope, not me!

But, if that happened I'm sure that I'd thank the good Lord for giving me a husband who could work from home that day to allow me the extra sleep I needed.


While fixing lunch, the exact same day, I would never have to give my 6-year old daughter the ultimatum of getting a lunch fixed by mommy or a you-fix-it-yourself-lunch-because-you've-begged-me-to-come-outside-and-watch-you-catch-the-non-existent-bunny-in-the-grapevine bush-"bunny-bush" a zillion times today.

Nope, not this mom!

My kids are ALWAYS to play and imagine on their own...every day!


And since my kids always play nicely by themselves, never needing a mommy-intervention,

I always have ample time to cook the five-course meals that I always have brewing in my head!


I'd never be so proud of myself for thinking of the perfect side only to burn the first batch, having to run it outside and dump it in the field, and then try again, only to realize that once I divided out a ration for each member of our growing family that I'd only made enough for like 1 1/2 bites each, ha!

Nope, not me!


At least those 1 1/2 bites of carrots would taste nice and sweet!


I would never wait until the day is almost over to get a shower.


I always look presentable and sexy for my hubby, showering as soon as I hop out of bed!  (side note: every good mother/wife should HOP out of bed you know!)

Because if I wait too long to get my shower in for the day, I may just jump in the shower, remembering to take everything off, because my brain isn't functioning on all four cylinders anymore.

And if that happened, by that time, on a day like this, I may just laugh so hard that I pee in my non-existent pants in the shower!

But that would NEVER HAPPEN TO ME!

Nope, not me!

Happy Friday Ya'll!

1 comment:

Kelly Via said...

Gosh. So hilarious, Tasha!