Friday, June 24, 2011

Fun Facts For Friday

Our usual day off is Monday.  But, because of a project that Josh has taken on that must occur on Mondays, we've moved our fun day to Friday.  We just spent the whole day at Uncle Heelz and Aunt Dee's pool with little Emma Grace.  I think this is the first real pool the kids have been to all summer!  They were SO excited...well, almost all of them.  While Areyna and Zeke perfected their mermaid and merman skills Micaiah was just as content to hang around the perimeter of the pool pouring water on everyone.  I did get him to come in with me for about 2.5 seconds before he began repeating "ah-duh, ah-duh, ah-duh":)

You know when you've had several very "eventful" and emotional weeks back to back and you just want a "normal" week where regular life just happens?  Well, we finally got our normal week this week.  When we were sharing in our small group prayer time before rehearsal last night, I couldn't think of anything we needed to pray about for us.  You know, normal life stuff and adoption stuff, but no major catastrophies to speak of.  It was nice.  *sigh*

On the other hand, one of my bestest buds and her family haven't had that luxury this week.  They have been preparing their son for cranial surgery.  I can't get them off my mind.  We did just get word that their 3-year-old finally made it out of surgery and they get to go back and see him!  I'm sure they are so thankful that it is over now.  You can pray that his recovery is speedy.

The last three days I have finally felt like myself again.  After weening myself off my anxiety medication about three weeks ago, I had been suffering from terrible side effects.  I feel like my body is finally stabilizing without them, even though I may still have a "few" outbursts of anxiousness here and there:)  OK, Josh may say that "few" is an understatement, but at least I don't feel like I'm going to pass out from dizziness and I have full feeling of my tongue now, ha!

No big plans this weekend, and I'm totally fine with that!

Hope you all have a Great weekend.

Happy Friday ya'll!

1 comment:

Abbey said...

Kaden has or had a ton of anxiety due to all his medical trauma. We love aconitum napellus and Rescue Remedyto help him. Homeopathy rocks. He used to completely freak out if he left home...and now we can happily take him places. Just wanted to throw that out to you!