Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Words Of Wisdom

Poppie (Josh's dad) dropped by to see Micaiah on his way back home from preaching in SC.

He was just kidding around with Zeke and asking silly questions to see what Micaiah could really do...

Poppie:  "Can Micaiah play with your cars?"

Zeke:  "Yeah!"

Poppie:  "Can Micaiah wrestle?"

Zeke:  "Yeah!"

Poppie:  "Can Micaiah eat lunch with you?"

Zeke: (without hesitation)  "No poppie, because my mommy has his milk in her boobies!"

Poppie quickly avoided that answer and went on to a different conversation=)

I turn bright red while Josh and I both busted out laughing!


jim thompson said...

hahaaaa!! Man, Jim's aunt and I had a BLAST explaining that one to his little cousins. It really is a little bizarre when you think about it.


Ashley said...

hahahahahah! i actually laughed out loud at that one! i just love your kids! hope everyone is doing well :-D

Kelly Via said...

I am laughing here!! I LOVE it!! I sure that was a fun awkward moment :) Ha! Cana talks about that a lot too...I know the awkward moment is coming at some point.

a.helms said...

A classic kid comment! Gotta love those moments!

Morgan Hairfield said...

That is Great! Kids say the funniest things. At least it was Rick and not someone at the grocery store! I'm glad to hear everyone is healthy and happy

mel said...

So cute and funny. The little ones are so matter of fact sometimes. I often wonder what Arwen will say/do with #2 comes along and I'm breastfeeding.

Stephen and Tara said...

ha! hilarious!

Shannon Bradley said...
