Friday, July 24, 2009

Fun Facts For Friday - Via Vacation Facts

Via Vacation

1- A minimum of 14 adults, 8 grandkids 4 and under, and 3 pregnant women all under one roof.

2- If you hear "CLUB CRANIUM" it's game time!

3- Way more junk food than anyone should ever consume in a week's time.

4- I have to prepare myself weeks in advance for all the chaos that occurs and all the people that are in 1 house but it doesn't compare to the year of anticipation that leads up to it in excitement for the next one!

5- Laying out, cookouts, fishing, swimming, diving for treasure, eating, staying up way too late, reading, cousins, family togetherness, games, bonfires, traditions, boat rides, feeding the I leaving anything out?

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