Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Think It's Time

Areyna, I mean Tinkerbell, missing a nap and being very 
content watching the rain while writing in her journal.

Areyna is now 4 years, 1 month and 2 weeks old and I think she is to the point of no more naps.  Before she was taking a nap consistently for a week or so at a time and then missing 3 in 1 week.  Just very inconsistent.  But this week I've noticed that the days where she did get a nap were the days that it took her a ridiculously LONG amount of time to fall asleep at night.  Which makes for not-so-fun mornings on school or church days!

I have really enjoyed my napping days!  My "me time".  My get-caught-up-on-anything-and-everything time.  My alone time.  I need that time a lot of days to relax and build my patience back up for the second half of the day.  I know it sounds selfish, I'm just being honest.  I don't feel ready for this next stage in life where I don't have that time anymore.  I'm not even sure what that looks like.  

Like in the picture above, Areyna is very content during this time, but she gets really chatty=)  She wants to tell me EVERYTHING!  I give her some "rest time" in her room to play by herself for a little bit but on the days when I have a lot to get done for the ministry, or violin lessons to give I am just not sure what to do.

What do you do with your kids during this time?  I'd love some simple ideas.  I've thought about incorporating a little "school" into the afternoons with her.  Any suggestions?


Jessica said...

i have no tips as i just lock my 4-legged children in the kitchen via the baby-gate and am capable of ignoring their whines for hours. :) on a different note i love this picture. its beautiful and soo sweet.

Emily Wallace said...

Hey Tasha. I love your blog!

My friend has a 4 year old little boy and they cannot get him to nap anymore. They just put him to bed earlier (7:30 pm) now and make him no talk from 2-3:30 when her other baby is sleeping. He reads books, does some homeschool workbook or works on his Awana memory verses, and sometimes he watches educational dvds such as Signing Time. Hope that helps, and I am not looking forward to a day with no more naps!

Rhonda said...

For us, when I really need some time for me I mention to Jubal that we are going to have a rest time. I have him pick out 5-6 library books, take them to his room and close the door. I set the timer for 30-45 minutes (depending on how desperate I am ;). I tell him mommy needs some quiet time too and to be very quiet and stay in his room. He knows that he can get up whent the timer sounds. It has worked really well for us. And also, with no more naps, he is going to bed earlier, 7 or 7:30. Sometimes I replace book time for TV time.
Have fun! You will get used to it. It was a big adjustment for me too.

Joy@WDDCH said...

My oldest is probably soon to follow (not quite there yet) and I dread the day as well. Hey, it's okay to be honest! Mommy needs a break, too!

We will probably just do a rest time ourselves, where she can read and lay down with me (if I lay down at all).

Shannon Bradley said...

No tips...just realized Luke is already doing the "skipping a few during the week" about every other week now!! :( he is only 2.5!!! I haven't given in, and don't plan to anytime soon! I hope it is a phase!!