Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Love Chapter - 1 Areyna 13:4-7

Areyna is patient - she has 2 little brothers who raid her fairy house and take her lip gloss and "un-arrange" her play kitchen of which she's worked tirelessly to put everything in its rightful place.

Areyna is kind - she loves to be a helper, in every sense of the word.  She helps me clean, cook, fold laundry, get Micaiah out of his bed (this one is getting a little tough with the extra weight he's putting on, ha!), and she takes full responsibility for her role as a big sister.

She does not envy - I have seen her mature so much over the past year.  Her heart is really growing.  She is beginning to cherish her friends more.  She is beginning to get excited for things her friends get, realizing that she is equally blessed in different ways.

She does not boast - she is always quick to give credit where credit is due.

She is not proud - unless she is in character and demands to be called "Rainbow" the Fairy:)

She does not dishonor others - she is a loyal friend.

She is not self-seeking - she has really taken to heart what she's been learning in her class at Journey.  They have been talking about being kind to others, even those who are hard to be kind to.  She has gone out of her way this week to do kind things for us.  It is so sweet to see her grow spiritually.

She is not easily angered - unless of course Micaiah begins to destroy her Fairy house and she has run all out of patience!

She keeps no record of wrongs - except for that blasted plastic children's yard chair of hers that I sat on in the backyard in Charlotte and broke.  Yeah, she won't let me live that one down. 

Areyna does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth - but if she were to delight in evil, such as getting her little brother in trouble for, let's say, cutting his hair with his scissors, I'm sure her parents would be quick to put her in her place.  She would then help him choose the better choice next time;) 

She always protects - she is the first one to say that we, as in me and Josh, are "not allowed" to give consequences to the boys because she loves them.

always trusts - even when Josh tells her "nope, no snacks today.  We've decided that we're all just going to go to bed for the rest of the day:)" or "I just saw a mermaid in the bathtub!"  Oh wait, that's just gullible.

always hopes - she swears that someone is going to give her a bunny for her matter what I say.

always perseveres - especially after a little "if you don't sound this word out, I'm enrolling you in school" pep talk.  OR when someone is sad, she will get to the bottom of it.

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