Friday, January 28, 2011

Fun Facts For Friday

I ran across this blog last weekend and I simply cannot stop reading and praying and reading some more.  I catch myself sitting and wondering what the latest update is. Go see how the Lord is working in the life of the Heim Family.  I promise you, it will stir something in your heart and make you re-evaluate the things that are truly important to you!

Okay, so I'm a little ashamed to admit this but Josh and I watched the movie, "I'm Still Here".  First of all, I am not recommending this movie in the LEAST!  Second, we had the movie muted over half the time because he used the F-bomb in EVERY sentence, at least once, and totally skipped many, many scenes.  But, I simply can't stop thinking about it.  This was a documentary on the life of a movie star who called it quits to take a stab at the music industry.  He was awful at rapping, by the way.  But the way he treated his friends, and talked to everybody, and his selfish attitude...terrible.  It turns out that it was all made up, but the thing that gets me is that he wasted 2 years of his life to film this supposed documentary...and for what?!  I just can't imagine what in the world made him want to do that.  What a waste.  Yet another thing that has made me re-evaluate the things that are truly important to me!

Oh, The Pioneer Woman...
I just ventured onto her sight and I may or may not have glanced around for hours a few minutes the other day.  Oh yes, I've heard of her from several friends and seen links all over the intersphere (yes, I made that word up), but I hadn't really taken the time to figure out what she was all about.  And ALL about is right.  Why is it that all the cool moms have smiles on their faces while cutting onions, get giddy over homeschool projects, have cookbooks named after them and take the most fabulous photos?  You may perceive bitterness at first glance, but in all actually she has really inspired me.  I went on her cooking site and printed several easy recipes to try on my guy next week.  So,
Dear Mrs. Pioneer Woman, 
Maybe we can be friends after all.
Just give me some time.  I'm a slow learner 
in the domestic department.
Go check out her website, nope it's not just a blog folks, and learn something new!

Like I mentioned earlier this week, I had the privilege of speaking for a group of women in Henderson last Tuesday.  I titled my talk "Love and Freedom".  I think that it has consumed me so much this week because the exact same things I spoke on were the exact same things that have bombarded me with force over the past week.  Funny how that works, isn't it?  I'll outline it for you all next week (I know you're on pins and needles Ashley;)

This one is just for fun...and sanity!
I've read about chore charts.  I've done chore charts.  I've neglected chord charts (we always end up losing momentum).  But when I read this post and saw the words, "And the toilets get flushed", I knew that I'd found a NEW kind of chart category for my kids.  Geesh, do I really need a sign on the kids/guests, notice they are one and the same, bathroom above the potty to remind ALL who enter, including our social worker for the Home Study, to Flush and Wash...*sigh*

My book came out this week.  You may have gathered that I am pretty excited about it:)  I gave myself NO expectations for it.  I felt like the Lord gave me the ideas and the will to do it, so I did, and pray that other families will be blessed by it.  So, when I found out that I have 3 churches, from Oklahoma, South Carolina and North Carolina, showing interest in doing it with their children's ministries you better believe I was ecstatic.  If you are a church interested in doing this with your ministry, please have a staff member contact me so that I can mail you a FREE copy to review to see if it is something that would work for your ministry!  It is also now available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble!


Rita said...

Kyle is eager -- yes, eager -- to see "I'm Still Here". Even as it was going on, he would marvel at Joaquin's dedication to "the role" and how bizarre his life-as-art project was.

I fall on the same side as you: what a waste of time! But Kyle ... he thinks on a whole 'nother plane.

Anyway. Yeh. I'll be suffering through that at some point too, I imagine.

The Via Colony said...

Ha! That is why I love his creative mind. I guess somebody has to think that way, right?:)

Sweet T said...

I found the Simple Wife last week too. It's incredible.