This is just one more reason why our decision to allow Areyna to go to preschool next year will be so beneficial. You can read about the other reasons HERE. Zeke can't even leave her side long enough for her to go to the bathroom=) Neither of them mind this dependency on each other and I love it! I just know it will be good for ALL of us=)
I love your kids!
I'm sure she'll really love that picture in a few years :)
Oh girl.. no kidding... Tuesday's are going to be a great day for us!! Anna is definetly a girl who likes her space and Ellie does not like to give it to her... I think it will make our week go so much more smooth with a little break from each other!
Just a word on homeschooling (I was reading your blog about you praying about homeschooling someday)...I have always homeschooled my children, who are now heading into the 6th, 4th, and 1st grade (and we have a 9 month old). Let me just say that it was (and is each year) a GIANT leap of faith. It is, however one that I do not regret. I Love being the one to teach my children, and it works well for our family. Just wanted to encourage you. :)
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