Thursday, July 6, 2017

Happy Birthday Zeke ~ 11 Years Old

Zeke was actually born ON his due date.
(I have two kids that did that, despite the rarity.)
He likes to know the plan and stick with it, and so he entered the world as so.

He is full of life and energy.
Everything about Zeke is huge.
His emotions.
His pain.
His joy for food.
His heart for others.
His awareness of the unseen all around us.
His play.
His adventurous spirit.
His facial expressions.
The way he "gets into character".
His persistence (or lord, his persistence).

To Zeke, "the boy in the red cape" (this is how all the teachers and faculty at your school knew you) I am SO incredibly proud to be your mama.  I am so proud of the young man you are allowing the LORD to shape you into.  I love your teachable heart.  I love your sensitivity to others and to the Holy Spirit.  I honestly canNOT wait to see where the LORD takes you!  Keep pressing on sweet boy.  We're on your team.  We're in your corner.  Just keep loving your Heavenly Father and He will guide you every step of the way.
Happy Birthday!
Love, Mom

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