Monday, February 15, 2010

Words Of Wisdom

Me: "Zeke, look at mommy. Ok, I need you to go get your spiderman shoes for me and bring them to me so I can pack them. We don't want to forget them here, k?"

Zeke: blank stare

Me: "Zeke, did you hear me buddy? Look at mommy's eyes. I need you to go get your spiderman shoes so I can pack them. They are right by the front door."

Zeke: "Ok=)" but still just standing there

Me: "Did you hear what mommy said? I need you to go get your...?

Zeke: "!"

Me: "And where are they?"

Zeke: "Uh...the...uh...backyard!"

Me: "No buddy, no, not the backyard, the FRONT DOOR."

He went all the way downstairs and came back up the stairs with a...bouncy ball, HA!

Boys! Focus...Focus=)


Ashley said...

Yeah, we've got that. We call it ADOSD - attention deficit "ooh shiny!" disorder. He's precious!

Hatchee said...

haha bubby still has issues with this!!