Thursday, February 12, 2009

Words Of Wisdom - Lovin' The Ladies

We just had to get out of the house so I took the kids to Target to pick up a birthday present for a friend and I got each of the kids a Kid's Meal for $2 each while we were there. You can't beat that!!!

Anyway, the lady serving us was being really sweet to the kids. After she went to go retrieve our order Zeke looked up at me with googly eyes and said, "I LOVE ladies!"


While we were sitting down and eating he shouted out to the lady workers, "I love you ladies! Mommy, I told the ladies 'I love you'.=)"

Man, I'm really in for it if he's already hittin' on the women=)


Rita said...


Shannon Bradley said...

Hahhaha! SWEET!!

Ashley said...

I have a little flirt too - his vocab is not that big, but he will give girls, especially teenagers, a shy smile and say "Hiiiii". We need a crash course in playing hard to get.