Monday, July 1, 2024

Summer Camp(s) 2024


This was the first year that ALL FIVE OF OUR KIDS went to the same summer camp together. But first, Rainy joined the Elementary kids at their camp. She came home EXHAUSTED but had a great time!

She had enough time to come home, sleep, do laundry and pack back up and join the middle and high schoolers back to the same campus for their week at camp. Jude has finally graduated to STUDENTS and is so pumped so that meant they got to experience the week together.

June - That's A Wrap

 This month is a blur of activity and sweet memories. It started with Zeke taking his very first solo roadtrip. He went to VA to spend a few days with a couple of his cousins, then they caravanned down to us for the rest of the week. I'm pretty sure those boys devoured at LEAST 78 eggs during their 3-day stay. It's all about the protein, ya'll. They wore themselves OUT! They spent the majority of their time at the gym working out, going on 15-mile skateboard rides on the greenway.  Poor Eli got stuck with a scooter because all of our bikes are out of commission! He was so tired he fell asleep on Berkley's bed in the middle of the day.

We got in our 12th annual Father's Day pic yet again. We have all of the pictures stacked behind themselves in the frame and Josh and I may have shed a tear or two looking back at the kids over the years.

Alethia got CURLS! We did a new kind of hairstyle and she looks GORGEOUS! It took me 8-9 hours because braids take longer than twists for me, and it, but it was worth it.

We'd been warned this was coming. We even got a roadsigns in our front yard to remind us about it. They closed our road down due to the Rolesville expansion project going on and I'm not gonna lie, I don't mind it nearly as bad as I thought. We've found our way around most of the blocks to get to where we need to go. It almost feels like COVID again with the lack of traffic going by.

The rest of the month was spent spending plenty of quality time together as a family with a couple brief visits from family and our sweet foster loves.

We closed out the month with ALL FIVE kids going to camp! Jude has finally arrived to life in the Student Ministry and Rainy, although she graduated has stayed connected and went as a middle school leader. So naturally Josh and I rearranged our week and took 2 amazing days to go to the beach!

Garden Update

I've had a tough go with my garden the last few years. This year I am seeing a bit of hope again! My arch trellis is actually working this year. I've got cucumbers, peas, watermelon and cantaloup doing their thing and I can't wait to see if we actually get any fruit with the growing vines.

I also tried okra for the first time and I actually got a handful to cook up for dinner. I'm super stoked about that. I planted more flowers to attract pollinators this year so maybe that helped. I've got the usual herb favorites, squash and peppers. My pepper plants are TINY but they have been producing peppers so I guess that's all that matters, lol.