Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Words Worth Remembering

Jude:"Hey! My Jellow-fish is gone!"
translation:Hey, my cherry pie is gone!


Me:"Jude, what's on your tummy?"
Jude:"It's a baskettie bike."
Me:"A what?"
Jude:"A baskettie bike."
Me:"You mean a mosquito bite?"


Cai:"Mom, what's 'drama'?"
Me:"Well, it's when..."
Cai:"Girls have drama."
Me:"Well, yeah, but boys do too.  And adults and kids can too."
Cai:"And dogs?"


Jude:"Mom, I'm just a little sad."
Me:"Awe, why are you sad buddy?"
Jude:"I just am.  I just have little tear in my eye."


Cai:"Did olden people really live in log cabins."
Cai:"But some of the olden peoples lived in brick homes too?"
Me:"Yes, after a while."
Cai:"Was it really black?"
Me:"Was what really black?"
Cai:"In olden peoples lives."
Me:"No, life was regular.  Just movies were in black and white because they hadn't learned to put color in cameras yet."


Jude:"Can I poopie on pinecones?"


Jude trying to say "chapstick"
 - chapchip
 - chackchip
 - chapchick
 - "uh!  I can't say it!"


Zeke:"Dad, isn't Rainy too big for lipgloss?"


Jude:"Mom, I ate my donut all."

Wipekins = napkins in Jude-ese

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