Thursday, November 14, 2013

Words Worth Remembering

Cai:"Mom, I wanna go to the tooth fairy."
Cai:"Are we going to the tooth fairy tomorrow?"
Me:"Oooohhhh, the DENTIST?"
Cai:"Yeah, I wanna go to the dentist!"


Rainy:"So, I have a list in my book bag of things to do instead of drugs."


Me:"...and we all have beautiful eyes that God gave us so that we can see all the things around us."
Cai:"but not old people"
Alethia:"yeah, not old people"
Cai:"'cause they can't see weewy good"
Alethia:"yup, 'cause they are old"

(I'm pretty sure this conversation is "fact" because our elderly neighbor is blind)


Cai:"Mom, does daddy have to go to Jowney today?"
Me:"Nope! It's Friday, Daddy's day off!"
Cai:"But is he gonna go jogging?"
Me:"I think we're gonna work out with the video today."
Cai:"Aw maaaan!  That's gonna take forEVER!"
Alethia:"You don't want him to work out with the TV?"
Cai:"Noooo! It's gonna take a long time:("


Me:"Zeke you need to sift through those clothes and put them where they belong."
Zeke:"Some of them are dirty.  You know how I can tell, mom? I can smell them and know if they need to go in the dirty laundry!"

(He's brilliant!)


Cai:"I loooooove my awmy glubs!"
translation:"I love my army gloves."


Rainy:"Alethia, it's your birthday! You're not supposed to be mean on your birthday."


Cai:"I don't want Alethia to turn 5.  Hers supposed to stay 4 with me."


Zeke:"Dad, somebody at Journey told Alethia to marry him!"
Josh:"What?!  You told him 'no', right?"
Cai:"Yeah, you's too little to get married!"
Alethia:"Yeah, I told him 'no'."
Josh:"Was he black or white?"
Alethia:"He was white."
Josh:"Well, you know it doesn't matter what color his skin is, as long as he loves Jesus and adores you!"


Cai:"Girls go first. Boys go last.  That's what daddy says."


Zeke:"My teacher's son just turned a teenager, but she said he was a nice teenager.  Why are sometimes teenagers mean?"
Me:"Well, sometimes teenagers are just trying to figure out how to make their own decisions and a lot of times their choices are the foolish ones."
Zeke:"Were you a mean teenager?"
Me:"I wasn't really a mean teenager, but I definitely didn't make wise choices."
Me:"I don't know.  I guess I just thought it would be more fun to do the stupid stuff, but I made Nonnie and G-daddy cry a lot because it always hurts a mommy and daddy's hearts to see their kids make foolish choices."
Zeke:"Did Nonnie have to yell at you?"
Me:"Only 'cause she was frustrated and sad.  But mostly she just cried."
Zeke: after a minute of grasping this conversation in silence "I'm really glad you aren't that person anymore, mom."
Me:"Me too buddy. Me too."

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