Thursday, September 26, 2013

Words Worth Remembering

Cai:"Did you know that 'getting girls' is punching them? I'm not going to punch Alethia. I'm NOT!"


Cai:"Can I eat my cookie now?"
Me:"Yeah silly, we don't need to pray over our cookies."
Josh:"I guess we could pray over our cookies to keep the extra pounds away."
***simultaneous Colony laughter and cookie eating***
Zeke: freafully screaming: "NO! Don't eat your cookies!  We need to pray the ... away!  The, ummm, what did you say dad?"
Zeke:"I don't want pounds.  Dad can you pray it away?! ... What is pounds?"


Alethia:"Cai, you're pretty."
Cai:"No I not, I'm AWESOME!"


Cai:"I accidentally cut my pants in school today.  I am going to sell them so I can grow another one."


Zeke:"Alright people, you are fitmissed to your class."
Rainy:"Zeke, it's DISmissed."


Cai:"Zeke, you're my favorite dude."


Cai:"MOM, I just saw more stumps where dead people are died."



Cai:"Okay, my turn!  I spy something WED!"
Alethia:"What is it?"
Cai:"It's the wed lights on the wed caw!"
Alethia:"Yay!  Okay, now it's MY turn.  I spy something..."

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