Thursday, June 13, 2013


Last night Josh's granddad passed away.
He had been sick and it was expected, but that sure doesn't make it any easier.

News of a person passing away really has a way of bringing perspective and reality into light.

It makes the messes not so big and petty worries not such a big deal.

It makes my parenting more sensitive and patient.
Jude literally climbed up and went down the slide for a solid hour yesterday.
He is a determined little fella!

It makes friendships that much more treasured.

It makes moments like these so much more beautiful!
Josh and I laid out on the trampoline a couple of nights ago
and got to witness the sight of Venus and Mercury without a telescope.
It makes this picture all the more sweet:)
Rainy made it to Uganda safely.  Just LOOK at that smile!!!
Don't wait until it's over to reflect on the goodness God has given you right now.