Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Free-For-All

I woke up at 11am today.  I'm not really sure of the last time I slept in that late.  I just wanted to make sure that yesterday, and all the crappiness that it held, was totally over, ha!  Man was that sleep needed, though.

But I must add, we didn't get in bed until after 1am last night.  We decided to head to VA after rehearsal last night for one more visit with Josh's grandpa who isn't expected to be with us through the month.

So here we are, sitting in the living room, kids napping, rain pouring, TV on as we watch the news of the Boston Marathon Bombers unfold.  It all seems so surreal.

I know many of you have inquired, so here is the news on Rainy and Chickie's reunion.  Areyna is going to be heading to Uganda to visit, Chickie, her Ugandan friends, her cousins and to do a couple of days of ministry with her Meme and Poppie.  She'll be gone for a little over 3 weeks.  It really couldn't have worked out any better with her school schedule and track out.  We sure will miss her, but are so excited for this opportunity for her!

The plumbing is scheduled to be fixed in two weeks and we bought our first round of paint this past weekend.  Our Master bedroom will no longer be hunter green:)!  Let the house upkeep and updating begin!

Other than that, Colony life has been pretty uneventful.

Happy Friday, ya'll!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Good for her!! How wonderful will that be?