Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Story In Pictures - A Savior In This Place

I have this place that I like to go.
I like to think it was created just for me.

It can take a while to get there...
but I don't mind the hike.

When I arrive I feel as though I have willfully stripped
all distractions away...

I am free to be who I was created to be.

Sometimes I am afraid to jump in.

That's when He reaches out and grabs my hand.
He'll make sure I don't fall.

There are times on the journey where I just need to eat the bread He has prepared for me...

and other times when I am to just rest...

because I know that I am just preparing for the valley.

Sometimes I create the valley on my own accord...
being adventurous and foolish

Yet other times the valley is just an obstacle in our way,
meant to grow and stretch us.

But I know that He is with me in the valley and I don't need to be afraid.

But we are not alone!

Not only is He my strength, but He has given us others who
walk with us and help us carry the load.

Yes, you may slip in from time to time...

But you are NEVER alone!

He is always patiently waiting...

...waiting for us to come back to Him...

...waiting to snatch us out of the pit we have slipped into...

And when He does,
Oh the rejoicing that occurs!

And that, my friend, is why He sent His Son!
To save such a soul as me.

~Happy Holy Week~

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