Thursday, March 22, 2012

From Chaos To Control - Lost And Found

Last year I began a series called "From Chaos To Control" as I focused on some small steps we can take to simplify and organize our lives around the house.

I thought that I'd share my strategy for those things that get left behind by visitors or have been borrowed or simply belong to someone else.  It's the little odds and ends like these that so quickly pile up around the house or that end up leaving your house looking cluttered.

You know, that sippy cup or baby bottle that belongs to your niece, or the maternity pants that your friend lent you.  Then there are those Coke Points you collect for your sister-in-law, or the book you borrowed from a friend.

Where do you put all that kind of stuff?!

I have a simple system that helps keep those loose objects contained and readily available for pickup.

I have a "Lost And Found" basket by the side door where most of the traffic comes in and out.

If I find something while cleaning up the house that I know is not ours or that simply doesn't look familiar I'll go throw it in the blue bin by the door.

If I know someone is coming over I can simply lay out their belongings so I can remember to give them back to them before they leave, usually so I can make room in the bin for more objects that get left behind from the newest visit:)

It helps me remember to stick to my word and not hang on to items that I am just "borrowing", because I never want to be the friend that forgets to return borrowed items.

If the blue bin is beginning to look too full it's time to take action!

I then have to make it a point to return the lost items.  I'll make a special trip to my fiends house to drop off her pants or collect all the coke points in a little bag to take to my sister-in-laws.

All the leftover things that I'm not sure belong to anyone I'll just throw away!

Yup, that's it.

I firmly believe that everything in your home should have a "home".  If there isn't room for it, it shouldn't be there!

So, make a place for all those little things that belong to someone else and make sure they find a way back to their OWN homes so they don't clutter up YOURS:)

1 comment:

Missy Abi-Najm said...

My motto ... "A place for everything and everything in its place." :-)