1 - Passport Appointments - I wish I had pictures of all the reactions we got from the on-lookers while we corralled our small herd around the post office yesterday. Their faces gave every thought away. Thoughts like, "Why did you bring ALL your kids to the post office?", "Really, you are just going to let one of your sons roll around on the floor while the other one wrestles on top of him?", "Are those jammies and froggy boots on that kid?", "Boy, I'm glad that's not me!", "Remind me to make sure they are not on my 8-hour airplane trips to Uganda!"
I thought it was especially nice that the post office gave us forms to fill out at home so the process would go more smoothly with all three of the kids while at the appointment. It would have been even more nicer if they would have given us updated ones! THAT would have indeed helped the process go a lot smoother:)
Oh well, at least they are filed and mailed and now we wait.
2 - Wait - Yes, this is the stage we are in with our adoption now. We are waiting. Waiting for passports, waiting for INS approval, waiting to send our Completed Dossier to Uganda. Just waiting. I usually hate this word, but right now, I don't mind it so much. It is giving me a chance to level out my life a little bit.
3 - Balance - What do I mean by "level out my life?" I've been working on balancing the adoption process with my current life at home. I've been working on being present and patient with the children I have with me right now. I'd been feeling convicted lately. This adoption process is very important, but that doesn't mean that I can neglect the 3 children that are already with me. That doesn't mean that this process will define my entire life right now. I'm working on it. Sometimes I'm just a slow learner. My kids have been so patient and understanding:)
4 - Music - Areyna began real piano lessons this Wednesday. She has a WONDERFUL teacher! I asked if she wanted me to sit in with her or in the foyer? She said, "out there" and I was fine with that...but I have to admit to continually peaking in on her as she made sweet music with her delicate hands. I'm a pretty proud momma!
5 - Presents - Zeke is our gift giver. We have never questioned what his main love language is! He LOVES wrapping presents for other people, and makes sure to tell us that he does not want anything in return. He simply loves to wrap up little trinkets and toys in coloring-book-page wrapping paper. Josh wrote a really sweet post about one such gift...so sweet:)
6 - We'll be at New Sandy Creek in Henderson this Sunday. We're leading worship for their Youth Sunday. Man am I glad I'm not in charge of getting those kids to sign up to teach the older Sunday School Classes this time, ha! This is the church Josh served at for 4 years. We love this church. The people are family to us and it will be so nice to see them again.
7 - Micaiah is 28.2 pounds. Just thought that was noteworthy. He is such a "healthy" 1 1/2 year old! Oh, he is all about the drums now. He loves to sit next to them during rehearsal and just stare. He has already picked up on the 4-count to bring the band in!
Well, I gotta go chase some butterflies!
Have a GREAT weekend friends.
1 comment:
It has been my experience that the Post Office will nevereverevereverever give you the right form the first time. Just never.
And I'm not upset by it at all. At all. :)
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