Monday, March 7, 2011

Not Me Monday

I never used to have allergies.

Then we moved to North Carolina.

Now, at the change of every season my allergies get out of control.

And by out of control, I mean, Josh puts his ear buds in during our quiet times in the morning because my sneezing and snorting is just too much for him to handle.  It's ok baby, I still love you;)

But, even when my allergies get so out of control...

I always have complete control over my bodily functions.


So, I would never sneeze so hard that I would pee in my pants.

Nope, not me!

That is SO elementary.

In fact I practice my Kegels on a daily basis, don't you?

Alright, I suppose that could happen to me, but only once...

...not continually

No way, not me!

But if that did happen, I'd blame it all on the fact that I have given birth to three lovely children and tell myself that every cool mom pees in her pants.  Right? Right.


Karen said...


Jennifer Hambrick said...

haha...i can definitely NOT relate to this one. Nope. Not me.

Sara G said...

Right..not me! My washer has a different story.

Jim, Debbie Hambrick said...

Thanks Tasha, I am still cool!