Saturday, March 26, 2011

All Things Updated: The Garden

Our straw bales are about ready for us to plant our seedlings in them.

I am super excited to see exactly how this will all play out.  I think I get way too giddy when talking about seeds and straw:)

But, how can I not?!  Just check out our seedlings!  If you knew my past with plants you'd be giddy with excitement too.  Especially the fact that there is actually green stuff coming out of the soil where we planted the seeds...what?!
Here are our straw bales that I finally began fertilizing.  After the second day of fertilizing them I decided that it needed a little bit of soil on the top.  It just looked weird without some brown on it, honestly:)  I'm gonna be a GREAT gardener, ha!
I've alternated watering one day with fertilizing the other day for about a week.  I think we'll check the weather to see if we can plant our seedlings next week.  I don't know how much longer they'll hold up in their little homes they are in right now.

1 comment:

About Our Family said...

Good morning! Do you have a website or book or something with guidelines on how to do this straw bale gardening? It's so intriguing- I had never heard of it before! Since I kill all things green, I thought it'd be good to look at whatever you are following since you're actually growing stuff! We don't have a yard to speak of in this duplex, but we're confident that the Lord has good things for our family, and one of the things I am praying for is room outside to play and garden. Anyhow, let me know if you get a chance and have a great Saturday!
