Thursday, July 15, 2010

O, Box, Pizza, Square


According to Zeke, that is.

I am beginning to realize that Zeke is going to be a tough one to teach. He just thinks on a totally different level than me. He thinks creatively and abstractly and I am struggling to find ways to teach him. Music is just going to be his thing, and I know that, but it's hard to pay the bills if you don't know your numbers ya know?

He wants to do school, but he wants to be at Areyna's level. Areyna knew her letters by the time she was three, so the fact that she is reading 4-letter words right now comes as no surprise. Zeke gets upset that he can't do school from her book and gets frustrated. We've tried to make a game out of it but I'm still trying to find his niche.

He knows his colors, but numbers, letters and shapes are a no-go.

If I ask him what shape a circle is he will make the shape with his hands and say "O", but can't remember that it's called a circle.

If I ask him what shape a square is he will make the shape with his hands and call it a box.

I can't seem to connect the two for him.

So, this morning I made up a game called "The Shape Hop".

I tell him to stand on a certain shape.

He has to find the beginning shape and then he jumps through the maze of shapes to find that same shape until he can make it back to the original one.

He really enjoyed it and Areyna joined in the fun too. I think repetition will work for him so maybe after a few weeks of this he'll have at least 4 shapes down:)


Sara said...

That's fantastic!!! What a great idea! You could use that for just about anything, too - letters, numbers, etc.

*stealing this* :)

Katelyn said...

Such a cute idea, Tasha! Something that worked for me when I was younger was learning things to a "beat", since he loves music so much, that might help...just a thought. ;)

Mrs. W said...

we learned with a program called sing, spell, read and write that I swear by. It may work for him or you might want to check it out. wait have we had this conversation before?

Kate said...

Hey! My Gabi has a personality like Zeke- it's funny, some things "click" right away and other things (like her colors) took forever. Anyhow, we taught Gabi her shapes by drawing them on her hand- it was totally an accident, but it worked, and we've continued to do it with the others. We started by drawing a circle on her hand. Then she would constantly ask for people to draw a circle on her hand whenever she saw a pen. We continued with other shapes and she learned them in no time. Also, for letters, I had the Leap Frog Letter Factory DVD left over from teaching. When she was little, she didn't like it. But around 3, she became obsessed with it. We try to limit videos, but I let her watch it at least twice a day because I knew she needed the repetition. She learned the sounds first, then the letters. It's fantastic. And we're using the book "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons," which teaches sounds before letter names, so it goes right along with that. Anyhow, just thought I'd let you know. I love your chalk idea, but our driveway is gravel. However, I'm thinking that would be great to use with construction paper shapes in the living room or to play at my parents' house.