Sunday, March 28, 2010

Holy Week - Palm Sunday

It was bad timing on my part to finish writing a devotional book based on this Lent/Easter season and not be able to share it yet. I thought it would be appropriate to share a snippet every day for your own family devotions. Then, next year you can get the whole book and go all out! You can also check out some of our past family Holy Week activities HERE.

Josh will also be posting a daily devotional for adults on his blog throughout the week that you won't want to miss that our Journey Staff put together!

Palm Sunday

"They took palm branches and went out to meet Him.
They kept shouting, 'Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes
in the name of the Lord - the King of Israel!' "
John 12:13

Activity: Read the account of Jesus' triumphal entry from John 12:12-19. Reenact the story with your children. Go outside and pick some leaves, flowers or branches that can be your palm branches.

~The Fast Track: An excerpt from my new family devotional~

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