Friday, April 17, 2009

This Man Is Passionate About His Food

To say that Zeke is a very passionate eater is an understatement!  This boy LOVES his food.  I think his food comes to life for him which is why he gets so emotional when his taco falls apart or why he just couldn't bring himself to eat this little Peeps Bunny at lunch today.  He cuddled him and played with him.  As soon as he'd bring him up to take a bite he would re-group and change his mind.  His little bunny is still sitting on the table waiting for him=)

***UPDATE - I wrote this post yesterday and he ended up carrying his bunny around until bedtime last night before thinking it was okay to eat him=)  Can we say sticky hands!***


mel said...

Very sweet!

My FIL is a hunter is usually goes on a rabbit hunting trip in the fall. We love having rabbit stew, but now I wonder how I'll get the little one to touch rabbit stew after watching the bunnies play in our garden!!

the broomes said...

that is classic, Tasha!!! i love it!

mom said...

He must have gotten that from you. You have always been one to create strong bonds with...

I remember you saying once that you hated to pass anyone on the highway, especially if you had been behind them for any length of time, because you felt like you were leaving behind a friend.

Kelly Via said...

Good grief, he is really starting to look like a little boy and not a toddler...Where does the time go?!

I love it; I bet that was a fun sticky mess :)