Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Mess To Me Brings Joy To Them

This has been what my house has looked like...ALL WEEK!!!  Every room of the house.  I have slowly whittled down the piles one room at a time and now only have our bedroom to tackle.

The kid's suitcase sat in the middle of our living room until this morning.  It did make for hours of "fun" for the kids while they buckled themselves in and out as they flung their clean clothes all over creation=)  It became their car, their classroom, their beds, their playroom...oh the fun!


Tony C said...

You should feel great...I can see the floors in your pictures!

I'm not sure what color the carpet is in my 13 year old's room.

Ashley said...

God bless you for being so open and humble - I'm not too proud to admit that my house is often a wreck, but pictures?? Just kidding. Kid messes are the best kind!