Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh Yeah, I Was Browning The Meat For Dinner!!!

My kids should have been fast asleep by the time I got back in from my walk but apparently neither of them were very interested in sleeping, even though Zeke, especially, NEEDED a nap.  I ended up putting both of them in the playroom for a little bit of time because I had some work to get done.  Zeke was constantly fussing about something though.  I was in the middle of browning stew meat for dinner when I heard a "ruckus" and needed to go intervene.  After I solved the issue I went to go check my e-mail and that lead to reading a few blogs and...oh yeah, the memory of being in the middle of something...hmmmm...

OH YEAH I was browning meat...and now it was BURNED!!!  As if the smoke-filled living room weren't enough of a reminder, ha!

Then, I went to go switch some laundry and pushed over my over-flowing basket of clean clothes that I have yet to fold so I could put my wet clothes in the dryer to find the dryer FULL of MORE CLEAN CLOTHES!  

I cannot keep up!  My pregnant brain IS NOT functioning properly, or maybe it is!;)

My mom says I'm being too hard on myself so I'm trying to laugh about all the meat I just burned, the wet clothes in the washer that now smell like mildew, the OB appointed that I completely forgot about this week and all the other half-done projects around the house that I keep forgetting I'm in the middle of=)

Now, what was I just doing?


Anonymous said...

Too Funny Tasha. That sounds exactly like me some days! Just wait the older you get the worse it gets.

Tiffany said...

yeah don't beat yourself up...sounds exactly like me and i'm about a month or so ahead of you...and it's JUST NOW getting a LITTLE better! haha! so much fun;)

Rita said...

If it weren't for the nausea which has become my constant companion, the forgetfulness would be my least favorite "SOP" (as you put it).

I'm glad I have very patient friends, family, and coworkers because I'm kinda getting tired of it!!

Kelly Via said...

I am laughing right funny!!