Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cure For Anxiety

Last night was my turn to go to CharlotteONE and run the merchandise table while Josh stayed home with the kids.  Sara and Andy did an INCREDIBLE job leading us into worship and Dave Hickman's message was right on!  

He started out by reading the top stories in USA Today and giving statistics of a downward spiraling economy and it's effects on America, mainly STRESS.  Especially in Charlotte, since the hot news lately has been in the banking industry with Charlotte being the 2nd biggest banking city in America.  He spoke from Luke 12 about the Rich Fool who became so arrogant in what he had that he missed the fact that God could take him away from the earth leaving ONLY HIS STUFF.  The "stuff" didn't matter!!  We cannot put our faith in our full gas tanks that are only temporary (especially if you STILL DON'T HAVE GAS IN YOUR CITY!!), our savings accounts that are supposed to have 6 months worth of Emergency funds in them (especially if someone steals your debit card number and empties all your accounts), or our retirement plans, that could easily be depleted before the end of this economic crisis.  

But, Luke 12 doesn't end there.  Jesus encourages his disciples to STOP WORRYING!!  If we are truly saved by God's grace then we are claiming that we trust God with our LIVES.  If God has time to feed the birds that have not stored up food for themselves, or adorn wildflowers with a splendor even more beautiful than King Solomon's own, then how much more do you think God cares for us, His children.  We are right where He want us, where we HAVE TO BELIEVE that only God can provide!!

Now that I have been reminded of this maybe this annoying, stress-induced twitch in my left eye that has been DRIVING ME CRAZY for the past 3 days will GO AWAY!!!  


Michaelle said...

Let Go and Let God. I am a worrier, and if I stopped long enough to consider everything that is going on right now, it would probably throw me into a panic-induced asthma attack (and I don't have asthma). We simply have to put our trust in God at this time.

Anonymous said...

UMM.....YEAH....... the LETTING GO part is the hardest. Sometimes I wonder if it's 100% MY responsibility to LET GO....or does he intervene and let go for me?!?!?

hmm. Still trying to figure out the whole "SOVERIEGN" thing.

sorry about your eye.


Joy said...

Perfect post! I was seriously JUST thinking that I needed to write a post about the economical situation (I still might). This was a good thing for me to hear. We don't have savings, or a retirement account or anything. We live paycheck to paycheck on a meager youth pastor's salary in the inner city in a church that is TINY (20-25 adults on Sunday).

But I can't look at the numbers or the statistics. We live as meager as possible (thrift stores, dollar stores, only necessary utilities, etc.) and still won't have enough to pay all our bills this month.

We have never once missed a bill because of God's grace and mercy on us. Even when things were REALLY bad (when he was making less than $800 a month) we still had enough to get by.

So thank you for the reminder!!!

Jessica said...

tash- great post. i heard to eat a banana when you have twitches. twitching nerves and muscles are caused from a potassium deficiency apparently. trust God still! :o)