Monday, May 13, 2024

Spartan Super


Last year I got the Spartan bug.
Josh talked me into running the Spartan Sprint: a 5K race with 20 obstacles.
I felt so amped up after that race that I felt like I could jump back in and run it again.

So this year I signed up for the Spartan Super: 10K with 25 obstacles.
It was SO much fun!
And I'm on the verge of feeling like I want to try for the Beast next year, but maybe I'm just crazy!

We joined Josh's dad and sister and BIL again and we rocked that race together.

Josh had already run a couple of Sprint's, and Beast's but this was his first Super.
And as if that weren't enough, we finished our race, he jumped out, rinsed off, grabbed a clean pair of clothes and hopped back in line just in time to run a Sprint. The trifecta was his goal this year, and in one day he knocked out 2 of the 3 races required. In just four weeks he would complete the beast and be a trifecta holder!

Spartan makes you pay for the race pictures now, so that's kinda sad, so this is all we got, ha!

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