Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Words Worth Remembering

Me:"Why do I always have to say the same thing over again?"
Jude:"Because my ears don't want to listen to you."


Jude:"Mom, I'm not sweaty yet (from working out) but when I am sweaty I'll let you feel me."


Jude (talking to Siri): "Um, I love Hotwheels cars so could you put some new ones in my mailbox for me?"


Jude:"We should look it up on giggle!"
(giggle = GOOGLE)


Jude: *achoooo* "Bless you myself."


Jude (watching me change outfits):"Mom, why do you keep changing your clothes on and off?"
Me:"Because I'm just not feelin' it, ya know?"
Jude:"What does that even mean?  That doesn't even make any sense."
Me:"I just need to find something more comfortable for today."
Jude:"K. I'm just gonna turn around so only my legs see you being inappropriate."


According to Jude...
"Mackin' Akarica" is Captain America
"Staw Waws" is Starbucks


Rainy:"How long have you and daddy been married?"
Me:"Almost 14 years."
Jude:"That's a lot of minutes.  That's a lot of five minutes!"


Jude:"Cai, I'm telling on you for nothin'!"


Cai:"If I was going to see Santa I was going to ask him if I could have five sunny side up eggs sitting by the Christmas tree on Christmas morning.  And add bacon and sausage and eggs too."


Jude:"I have a lot of bless you's.  I LOVE bless you's."


Jude:"Mom, is this the 'Ever Be On My List' song?"
("Ever Be" on my lips by Bethel worship)


Zeke:"Mom, we should make a tacky."
Me:"What's that?"
Zeke:"You know, those houses that Indians lived in made of sticks and cloth."
Me:"Oooohhh, a Teepee?"


Jude:"I don't really like babies cuz' they lick me."

1 comment:

Leah said...

I giggled the entire time I read this! Love love LOVE!