Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My One Activity For Ash Wednesday...and every day

It is no coincidence that today is Ash Wednesday.

It is the day that begins the season of Lent.
A season of reflection, repentance, fasting and anticipation of the Resurrection.

And on this day, this mama, who wrote a freakin' book about this very special season, should be whipping up some pretty impressive family activities to share (because it is, after all, my favorite season to observe), but instead I am holding on for dear life to the fact that today I am a mom and God has instilled everything I need to make it through today.

On a day when I would rather just climb back in bed and bury myself in the covers.
On a day when I just want to wave my little white flag.
On a day when the countdown to bedtime began at 9:30am.

On a day when the whining won't stop,
and the bullying continues among certain Colony members
and sweetly playing children seems to be a distant memory

and the current season seems to stretch out as far as I can see...

...but then I remember

that Jesus bore it all,
that He looks deep within my own sinful heart,
that He forgives without limits and record,
that He restores,
that He sustains,
that He provides,

that He conquered death so that we can be free.

So again, today, just as yesterday, I have a choice to live in that freedom, or in the bondage of fear, doubt, anger, resentment, bitterness, guilt, blame...

And not only for myself, but for the little people who are shadowing after me today, and my husband who is depending on me to keep my focus.

Remember who He is as you remember whose you are.

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