Saturday, May 25, 2013

Starving And Content

I finally have time to sit down and recap my week.

Only because it's quiet.  I had everyone bathed, family "devotioned" and in bed by 7:40.

It was a LONG, fun day, where 2-3 snow cones were completely acceptable, bouncy houses were jumped in until the leg muscles ached, multiple bags of chips were consumed by each colony member,  popcorn was eaten off the deck, Fanta was served and the request for skipping a nap was fully granted.

Our church was blessed with a block party trailer and who else to test it on than all the staff kids (so what if I had 5 of the 9 kids present, ha!).  The staff learned how to maneuver all the equipment and my kids enjoyed every second of it!

After loading up the Colony to head back home, an angel my friend, Julie, said she had a couple of hours to spare and asked if she could come hang out with the kids so I could get a breathe of fresh air all by myself.  Who does that?!  I told her I'd rather not.  I told her I'd just stick it out until bedtime...hahaha!  Just kidding.  As soon as she came over I gave the kids a kiss and took off.  Thank you, Julie!  You blessed me big time this afternoon!

Josh left for Missouri early Friday morning for a student camp.  He'll be home sometime on Monday:)  Hey, I can't keep up with EVERYBODY's schedule:)  When I talked to Josh this afternoon he said the key speaker got called out to do a funeral a couple hours away so he got to speak!  He was pretty stoked about that and said it went really well.

I have an addiction.  It's not alcohol or drugs or sex (shocker on that last one, I know;).  But it takes my focus off of the Lord, nonetheless.  Therefore, I am working on starving those desires and praying for contentment and peace in my heart.  I want nothing else to consume me!

And because I am starving those desires I have a little more time on my hands to snap shots like these...

Happy Saturday ya'll!

1 comment:

Kelly Via said...

Jonathan is sitting here beside me as I read this. Here's his comments:
"Is that Rainy? (scroll down) Good grief! Look at Zeke. It feels like they have grown up so much since we have been here!"

I love these sweet pictures. And, I agree...your kids already look too big! I love love love that sweet shot of Zeke. His hair is so handsome :)