Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In Order To Love You More

You know that saying that says, "absence makes the heart grow fonder"?

Well, I can totally relate to it.

As much as I love my kids, I just need to get away sometimes.

It's been one of those kinds of days weeks months.

The kind where so much happens that you feel like you can barely keep your head above water to catch your breathe.

I mean, living overseas for a few months, adopting a child and transitioning your growing family, and then immediately adding another little one can tend to make one feel a little overwhelmed.

I'm not complaining AT ALL!  In fact, I marvel at the things the Lord has brought us through and blessed us with over the past several months, but that doesn't negate the fact that a lot has happened.

I came to a breaking point this week, though, and tonight couldn't have come at a better time.

What happened tonight?

Well, I met one of my best friends for coffee and we talked.

Talked about nothing...talked about everything...

It was so nice to get away, refocus and breathe.

I came home so refreshed and encouraged.  I came home ready to tackle another day with a renewed outlook and motivation.  I came home ready to be a mom again.

Sometimes I just need to get away in order to love them even more!


Jennifer said...

I can totally relate! From zero to three in less than 6 months has been a huge blessing but also a huge challenge! Good for you for taking a mommy break!! :-)

Jennifer Hambrick said...

I KNOW! I felt so energized after talking with you...thanks so much for listening and caring and being my friend. I love you!

Lisa Adams said...

So many of us moms feel we have to do it all...its great that you were able to get away and recharge.