Now, I am about to become very vulnerable here, so no snickering:) It's time to reveal the name I've chosen for our school.
"Learning Together"
I know, I know. Super cheesy, but they have all these little requirements for choosing your school name, and I have no clue what I'm doing so I figured it was the perfect name for a first-time Home School mom and her first-time Home Schooled kids.
Last week Zeke finished up Get Ready for the Code - Book a
The next two weeks or so we are going to review the letters one-by-one that he learned in this book before moving on. I've got some fun activities planned and reading as he finds the letter of the day. It should be fun!
Areyna has been flying through her lessons. I went ahead and started her in Explode the Code 1
For example: This activity below was new for her. She had to think of 2 words for each of the endings I wrote on her paper and sound the words out to write them down herself. I've been very impressed with her progress. I'm wondering if I should be a little worried with the last word choice for -eg, ha!
I didn't anticipate her moving so quickly so now we're waiting on Explode the Code Book 2
Math is, by far, Areyna's favorite thing to work on. She will be finished with her first book of Horizons Math K SET of 2 Student Workbooks K-1 and K-2
She can now tell time on the hour. She can write and count to 100 by 5's and 10's. Her addition is getting quicker, she is counting money and she is getting much better at following the directions.
So, I give my class an A+ for the first 6 weeks (almost) of school.
I wasn't so impressed with their teacher for the first few weeks, but I think she is getting used to her class and her responsibilities. She is more comfortable saying "no" to things because school must be done, and she is actually beginning to enjoy teaching her children:)
Good job! Keep it up mama! I'm so excited that I have 2 share...We are about to start and I found two super simple Bible based curriculum options that have REALLY impressed me. I think they will show us God's sovereignty through History and power through science. They are SUPER easy to use, provide a TON of additional material (if you want it) and can be done as a family. In addition, they can be use for years and are very affordable.
-Science- Considering God's Creation Set
-History- Mystery of History
If you fins any other resources that impress you, pass them on:)
Great JOB!!!
We had a hard time choosing our name too. Good thing we have until the first child turns 7 to register in NC :)
Here's how we came up with our name:
Glad their teacher is doing better :)
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