Monday, April 18, 2011

Not Me Monday

I have always been good at spelling and gramer gramar grammar.


Just ask my mom.  Heck ask my husband for that matter, ha!

I mean, I'm a published arthor author!

So, when I'm sitting down with my morning cup of coffee to write my blog for the day, I never need to spellcheck spell check my posts.

Nope, not me!

They are always correct.

But, even if I were to misspell a few words I'd never resort to useing using Google search as a spell checker for words such as laundary laundry, exercize excersise exersize exercise,  consciouse conscious or to figure out whether to use hungry vs. Hungary or their vs. there.

Nope, not me!

That's just lame.

Who doesn't know how to spell those kinds of words the right way?!


jayandjoy said...

bahaha.... Its really bad when you have a professional job and have to take all kinds of data and take lots of notes and can't spell.... every day I have words written all over my hand seeing which one looks right...

actually just the other day I got called out at work because on my notes I had always spelled "prob" instead of "probe" embarrassing

**side note**
While writing this post i had to use spell check on:

the broomes said...

I love this, Tasha!!! This is so me too...I will only play scrabble with Fred because I am such a terrible speller! ...One of my biggest fears of actually using my teaching degree when all the kids are grown is having to write words on the board and not spelling something correctly!

Jennifer Hambrick said...

"definitely" gets me EVERY time! I can so relate =)

Drawing Straws said...

I found this crazy blog page on "10 words you need to stop misspelling" it's a bit out there but after 30 years I finally know the difference between then and!

Kelly Via said...

That's really funny - I didn't know that about you!!