Friday, October 1, 2010

This Week Alone

Here are a few of his favorite things that
I've caught Micaiah consuming this week alone
 art feathers


Rainy's mystrery coccoon 
(she wasn't too happy about this one)

a moth 
(also Rainy's and also not too happy about this one)

a stray crayon

macaroni straight from the trash
(at least it was our trash can)

smelly milk from a sippy cup

a sticker (or 3)

And that's just THIS week!


Anonymous said...

hahaha! He's a beast!! (but an awfully cute beast!)

The Via Colony said...

ha! He is quite the beast. I also refer to him as haws, fatty and tank in my words of love to him:)

Kelly Via said...

AND, he's a bruizer. But a cute bruizer.

I bet all those 'foods' make for some surprising diaper changes...